About Us

BrainSupplement.com is a website dedicated to nootropics and mental health awareness. We firmly believe in the power of nootropics and their ability to enhance mental well-being. Our mission is to provide trusted, comprehensive, and accessible articles in order to demystify the world of nootropics, so our readers can make informed decisions and choose the right supplements that align with their personal goals and needs.

Our team consists of two experienced journalists who have spent years researching and writing medical content. We are not here to replace qualified healthcare providers, but rather to empower individuals with knowledge to gain a better grasp on their mental health conditions and all the possible solutions on the market.

BrainSupplement.com was born out of our personal experiences with life-altering mental health disorders, specifically ADHD and anxiety disorder. Through our own journey, we discovered natural solutions that have helped us manage these conditions. While we understand that everyone's needs are unique, we believe it is our responsibility to shed light on alternative, natural nootropics that are widely available and can provide significant assistance under the guidance of qualified healthcare providers.

Peter V

Co-Founder of BrainSupplement.com

Obsessed biohacker and medical content writer, devoted to help people on their mental health journey and to educate them on the powerful healing properties of natural nootropics.

Susanne C

Co-Founder of BrainSupplement.com

Passionate mental health advocate, dedicated to help people after a long struggle with her own ADHD and depression.